Know your Network
LoveMyTool is the premier informational and educational site for the Network Monitoring, Analysis, Security and Management industries.​
Our commitment to our readers is to “Bring New Tools to Your Life” which is our motto embedded inside our original logo.
As editors, our responsibility is to our readers and our mission is to maintain relevance, add more educational information and to enforce authenticity.
Anyone can post relevant technology contents free of charge, at our sole discretion, as long as the article is of an educational and of a solution nature.
Sponsors have first priority for posting dates, content and placement.
An important requirement is that all articles must be authentic which means that they must be authored by named individuals (no anonymous postings) with bio, photograph and contact information (e.g., LinkedIn profile). Pictures and videos need to be attached separately to the requesting email.
All offered material, content, quotes and pictures are the legal responsibility of the author.
All content/articles...etc is Copy Written and belongs to the author. No articles can be reposted or added without the permission on the author. Linking is welcomed to articles but thief will not be tolerated!
From our experience, the winning strategy for a successful article is to simply state a network problem, why it is important for our readers, and discuss how it can be solved (perhaps with your products). In a sense, we encourage our authors to write their article in an "upside down" press release format, starting first with the testimonial from an advocate, then the problem, the product and finally the company.
We recommend embedding pictures, diagrams, flash and videos within your article and suggest the article to be less than 10 paragraphs as the shorted articles are more often read. We would be happy to post the PDF of the unabridged version as a reference.
If interested in sponsorship please contact tim@editor-lovemytool.com and I will send you a review brief on sponsorship value.
Benefits of sponsorship include posting of ad and logo on site with direct access from readers. Plus priority placement of articles and videos.​
​The banners and ads can be static JPEG or dynamic Flash.
The LoveMyTool editorial and Technical team are available for video presentations, writing services, technical marketing consulting and Product Technical Viability Reviews.