Need a break from your day to day routine?
Here is a software testing challenge!
A few months ago I conducted a hands on seminar where
the attendees were challenged to test theirs and other
software to see if it could pass some basic evidentiary
processes against a small number of data files I had prepared.
During the session, many eyes were opened as to the reliability
and capability of their software to perform what may be considered
routine forensic/evidentiary requirements (hash, copy, zip/unzip)
for processing and handling evidentiary data. I have personally
tested over 70 stand alone programs and found that over 95% fail
one or more of my simple evidentiary requirements.
What I'm offering, is to make this software testing challenge
available to anyone who has a few hours to commit to the process.
So you can test your own software against the provided test data.
If you are interested in finding out what the software tests
involve, and would like to have a preliminary outline of what
you will be doing, let me know and I will send you the initial
The tests cover some of the topics mentioned in recent articles
found in the ARTICLES page of my website (
respond to the email address provided below,
as it is the only one without strict filters.
Also, whitelist my email/domain on your end so I can
respond where needed.