Ixia Launches $50K Network Makeover
Network visibility is an often overlooked but critically important activity for IT. Visibility is what enables you to quickly isolate security threats and resolve performance issues. This ultimately ensures the best security defenses and best possible end-user experience.
A proper visibility architecture addresses the strategic end-to-end monitoring goals of the network, whether they are physical, virtual, out-of-band, or inline security visibility. This also applies to a hybrid cloud architecture where physical on-premises solutions are integrated to public cloud networks. In fact, hybrid cloud solutions may need visibility more than any other type of architecture.
Because network visibility is such an important subject to understand and implement, Ixia has launched a new initiative to help spread the word. The initiative is called the Ixia $50,000 Network Makeover. Sign up for the event and enter for a chance to win one of several prizes.
Next steps:
Register here for live streaming feeds the days of the events (December 2 – 13, Monday through Friday).
Join Ixia every day during those first two weeks of December for a short, live event each day that delivers visibility tips. There will also be prizes awarded daily and a grand prize on the last that includes a free $50,000 giveaway of network visibility equipment.
Watch this video podcast with Tim O’Neill and Keith Bromley discussing an overview of network visibility including taps and network packet brokers
Watch for more video podcasts on NetworkDataPedia.com
There will also be assets available on the sweepstakes website December 2 – 13 that you can download and read.
In addition to $50K Makeover, there is a plethora of free information available on the www.ixiacom.com website.
Here is a sampling of FREE information that you can download now.
Follow-up information
Download the whitepaper Best Practices for Network Monitoring
Download the ebook the ABCs of Network Visibility
Download the ebook the ABCs of Network Visibility – Vol. 2
Download the ebook The Definitive Guide to Visibility Use Cases
Download the whitepaper on Deduplication best practices
Read the Ixia 2019 Security Report to get a better understanding new security threat trends
Download the ebook the The ABCs of Inline Security
Watch this webinar (TLS 1.3: Expert Advice to Modernize Your Security and Decryption Practices) for an overview of TLS decryption and how it will impact you
Visit the Out-of-Band Visibility solutions page at https://www.ixiacom.com/solutions/out-band-monitoring
Visit the Inline Security solutions page at https://ixia.keysight.com/solutions/inline-security-resilience or www.ixiacom.com/solutions/network-security

Author - Keith Bromley Author - Keith Bromley - is a senior product management and marketing professional at Ixia, a Keysight business, with over 25 years of high tech software and hardware experience. In his role, he is responsible for thought leadership, product management and marketing activities for network monitoring, network security, VoIP and unified communications (UC) for enterprise and carrier solutions. Keith is a E.E. and a dedicated technologist.